Origins Of HTML

Vinay R
2 min readMay 12, 2021

Many of us learn computer programming languages on a day-to-day basis. If not complex languages, we at least learn or do some type of language. Even though many of us are diving into the vast ocean of the Computer Science industry to discover new things…many of us don’t understand the origins of such computer-based languages.

Out of the many computer programming languages, HTML is the base of everyone’s foundation. HTML is a great way to start learning to code because it has the basics to everything.

HTML is a worldwide known webpage designing platform. Everyone is aware of the core of HTML. Behind this great language, there is a man who first created or invented HTML. We are here to answer a question to which most people don’t know the answer.

Today we are going to find out who first discovered HTML.

HTML started back in 1989 and so many different versions have come out ever since. The most common one used today is HTML 5 because it is the easiest to use.

Tim Berners-Lee was the one who invented the World Wide Web in 1989. His specifications of URLs, HTTP, and HTML were refined as web technology. Because of him, HTML is now the core of all web pages like the one you are seeing right now.

Tim Berners-Lee was highly rewarded by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. The Millennium Technology Prize awarded him (€1 million). The first webpage went live on August 6, 1991. It was dedicated to information on the World Wide Web project made by Tim Berners-Lee.

His great invention of the web is now allowing all of us to explore. We’ll look into this in more detail next time. Hope you enjoyed reading about the mastermind behind HTML and the World Wide Web.



Vinay R

An aspiring person, who is willing to learn new things and share them.